Avater National Youth Computer Centre

Avater Youth Educational Services & Consultancy(AYESC)PVT.Ltd

ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute

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Welcome to


“Get your own very hands on experience.

dear students we are living in a era of information revolution where computer are a major component of new information technology here society at large and the library professionals as to how to compress a library into a computer,a self-help tool.
life starts better with your apt & knowledge,is power to drive your ideas in the way learning.the cluster of rays at your ability can jubiliate where your laven power .accomodate into realty.we are here to help you to rejuvinate your new ideas.
you will be get to know about our different initiatives through our planned acivities.so step in into the world of opportunities waits for you.


Info Details

Info Details

  • Head Office

    contact our head office for any kind of information about our projects & process to business with us…..

  • Corporate Office Details

    Corporate office are build for helping those who are not able to contact face to face with head office for solving their query….

  • Future Project

    Many project will wait for appropriate time….

  • Running Projects

    We are now working with some best project &we want some best people for associating With us by these projects…..

  • Our Associates

    our associates very helpful......

  • Our Partner’s

    our partners are so friendly .They have a very important role behind our success…



  • OMRSHEET20_120
    Diploma Theory
    Tally mcq suggestion
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Principal's Message

Chairman Message

Mr. Chanchal Ruidas

Avater National Youth Computer Center aspires all students to succeed in their world. It offers a wide variety of challenging, enjoyable and successful curricular opportunities, athletic progr...

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